

最近一個苦苦掙扎的澳洲品牌Oroton突然出現轉機,本周二英國准王妃Meghan Markle背了一款該品牌的背包,之後幾個小時內,這款背包就銷售一空。

Everything she touches turns to SOLD! $295 Oroton bag sells out just hours after Meghan Markle wore it at official Commonwealth event with Prince Harry 

Meghan Markle stepped out on a 25 degree day in London wearing not one but two Australian designers (pictured with Prince Harry)

The future royal opted for both a jacket by Camilla and Marc, which retails for $699, and an Oroton cross-body bag, which retails for $295 (both pictured)


據《每日郵報》報道,本周二Meghan Markle陪同英國的哈里王子,出席英聯邦政府首腦會議(CHOGM)與青年代表們會面。36歲的英國王妃當天背了一款澳洲品牌Oroton的黑白條紋Avalon女包,為了和王妃背上同款女包的網友們,幾個小時內就將網上出售的這款女包搶購一空,其中75%的買家來自美國和英國。

Being reordered:The black and white version is currently sold-out but will be restocked in August this year 

That was quick! The struggling retail brand was soon featuring photos of Meghan wearing the cross-body bag on their online store


Oroton的 首席執行官Ross Lane接受《悉尼晨鋒報》的採訪時稱,「英國王妃Meghan背著我們品牌的包出席活動,實在是一個巨大的驚喜,這也是對我們新的創意方向的巨大支持。」目前這款女包已經售罄,預計將在8月才能補貨。

Earlier this week, Prince Harry was named by the Queen as a Commonwealth Youth Ambassador 

Prince Harry said that both he and Meghan were 'excited' to take on the challenge of their new role, helping young people around the world solving challenges of the future

It is unusual for someone who has not yet married into the royal family to be involved in a high-profile occasion such as the Chogm summit

Many complimented Meghan on her outfit, dubbing it her raciest royal look yet, as she removed her jacket inside the venue - which is uncustomary for royals


 Meghan Markle是一個美國時裝模特、代言人以及演員。馬克爾曾經與崔佛‧英格森有過一段兩年的婚姻。她自2016夏天起與英國哈里王子開始交往。2017年11月27日,兩人公開宣布訂婚;2018年5月19日,兩人在溫莎城堡舉行了婚禮。


