
澳洲港人社交群組遭舉報違反港區國安法 澳洲香港各業聯盟批評製造「白色恐怖」




澳洲港人網上群組被舉報 澳洲言論自由面臨威脅








「澳洲香港各業聯盟」上月在全澳收集了七百七十多個簽名,包括來自商業、地產、工程、運輸、教育、醫護、傳媒、資訊科技等各行各業居澳港人及支持者, 向澳洲總理、外交部長、移民部長等遞交公開信,指出北京推出「港區國安法」違反了中英聯合聲明,促請澳洲政府重新檢討涉及澳洲與香港、澳洲與中國大陸之間的有關協議,並且制訂應變措施,增加香港移民配額等。



 Australian Hong Kong online social groups were snitched!

Australia』s free speech under attack!

In Australia, two online social groups with over 24 thousand Hong Kong background members have been tipped-off to the Hong Kong police. The whisperers alleged members in the social groups have violated Hong Kong』s newly implemented National Security Law and requested the Hong Kong Police to arrest those members if they ever set foot in Hong Kong. The Australian Hong Kong Professionals Alliance (AHKPA) spokesperson criticized the snitching behaviour as it is threatening and destroying the freedom of speech in Australia and creating 「CCP Terror」 among the communities.

On July 8, the Australian Hong Kong online social groups posted images of the tip-off from the HK police website. In the pictures, the whisperer suggested that the social groups are 「spreading hate speech and are in fact continuing to ignore the new National Security Law」, the whisperer also went on about prosecutions most HK students are on temporary visas, they should be punished on their return to HK.

These comments have drawn a lot of attention in the online communities and some criticized the violation of free speech in Australia and some suggested the whisperer should leave Australia if they could not the concept of free speech and liberty.

The criticisms have led to another report by the whisperer to the HK police of another online social group. The whisperer then immediately mocked the responders, describing the reports as 「free speech」 rather than censorship.

Both compromised social groups are intended to provide a platform for Hong Kong Australians or visa holders to socialise, exchange ideas and share life experience in Australia. One of the social groups was founded 8 years ago with over 14 thousand members. The other has 10 thousand members and has recently changed its privacy setting from 「public」 to 「private」 in order to protect members』 personal details and safety.

AHKPA censures the behaviours of the whisperer. Their actions are undermining, threatening and destroying Australia』s freedom of speech as well as the safety of Australian citizens and visa holders. The AHKPA appeals to the Australian government for an investigation into such malignant behaviour, the foreign interference in our democratic society and the fact that the whisperers have rejected the values, rules and norms of Australia, and therefore shouldn』t benefit from membership of its citizenry.

Last month, AHKPA sent an open letter with over 700 signatures to the Australian Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and MPs. It pointed out that Beijing Central Government has breached the Sino-British Joint Declaration when it introduced the National Security Law. Due to the new legislations, we urged the Australian government for more actions concerning the possible threats from foreign interference and formulate contingency measures through revision and assessment on the validity of official documents made between Australia and Hong Kong, as well as between Australia and PR China.

AHKPA welcomes the announcements by the Prime Minister Scott Morrison on the 9th July that Australia would suspend its extradition agreement with HK in response to the NSL and extend temporary visas for Hong Kong people in the country.


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