川普答记者:担心香港 不愿看到暴力镇压(中英文)



川普在新泽西州莫里斯敦市机场答记者问 来源:视频截图


Q How concerned are you about a violent crackdown by the Chinese in Hong Kong?

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, I am concerned.  I wouldn’t want to see a violent crackdown.  I put a little bit of a memo out last night.  He’s a man I like a lot.  I get along with him very well — President Xi.
总统:好吧,我很担心。我不想看到暴力镇压。我昨晚发了一点备忘录。他是我很喜欢的人。我和他相处得非常好 – 习主席。

And I said that I would be willing to bet that if he sat down with the protesters — a group of representative protesters — I bet he’d work it out in 15 minutes.  I bet he’d work it out very quickly.  I know it’s not the kind of thing he does, but I think it wouldn’t be a bad idea.  I really believe if he sat down — they have a certain little leadership pool.  If he sat down with that leadership pool, I’ll bet he’d work something out very quickly.
而且我说,我愿意打赌,如果他(习近平)和抗议者 – 一群有代表性的抗议者 – 坐下来,我打赌他会在15分钟内解决问题。我打赌他很快就会解决问题。我知道这不是他做的那种事,但我认为这不是一个坏主意。我真的相信如果他坐下来 – 他们有一个小领导班子。如果他与那个领导班子坐在一起,我敢打赌他很快就能解决问题。

It really seems like things — it could be worked out pretty easily.
它看起来很像 – 事情可以很容易地得到解决。

Q  Did you talk to Xi directly?  Was that who you talked to in China?

THE PRESIDENT:  I will speak to him.  We have a call scheduled soon — President Xi.  We’ll be speaking to him very soon.  I really believe he can work it out.  I know him well.  If he wants to, he can work that out in a very humane fashion.  He can work something that everybody is happy.  Thank you.
总统:我会和他谈。我们很快就会通电话了 – 习主席。我们很快就会和他通话。我真的相信他能解决这个问题。我很了解他。如果他愿意,他可用非常人性化的方式解决这个问题。他可以做一些每个人都很高兴的事情。谢谢。


